
8 October 2024

09:00 – 09:15 

Opening remarks

09:15 – 09:30 

Opening keynote address

Create: Building Cohesive Communities Based on Trust

09:30 – 10:05

Empowering Communities for Sustainable Social Impact

Explore how organisations can adopt empowerment as a foundational principle for sustainable social impact in this insightful keynote. The session will highlight Singtel’s commitment to “Empower Every Generation” through initiatives such as Future Makers, Digital Thumbprint, and Digital Silvers, which focus on building skills and confidence. Additionally, discover collaborative efforts with the Australian Business and Community Network and Singapore Business Network on Disability, where corporate members mentor vulnerable youth and persons with disabilities. The keynote will also discuss the National Council of Social Services’ Sustainable Philanthropic Framework, which mobilises corporates and social services for sustained impact. Learn strategies to move beyond dependency, fostering long-term success and empowerment in communities.


Andrew Buay

Andrew Buay

Vice President, Group Corporate Sustainability, Talent Coach at Optus

Singtel & Optus

10:05 – 10:40 

[Case Study Presentation] Programme Design

Designing a community engagement programme that is inclusive and responsive
  • Defining your programme’s purpose, scope and end-goal
  • Community mapping: Surveys, focus groups, social network analysis
  • Identifying the right engagement tools to encourage participation
  • Post-engagement reporting: Setting metrics that matter for evaluation


Veera Swaminathan

Veera Swaminathan

Chief Executive Officer

Sustainable Living Lab

10:40 – 11:10 

Morning networking break

Empower: Shifting Mindsets to Inspire Change for the Better

11:10 – 11:45

[Case Study Presentation] Social Enterprise

Addressing social needs with a business that focuses on doing well by doing good
  • Identifying a worthy cause that is aligned with your business’ USP
  • Aligning commercial goals with gaps with chosen cause
  • How to ensure business remains financially viable and the cause is sustainable
  • Getting management buy-in

11:45 – 12:30

[Panel Discussion] Community Partners

Leveraging community partners’ strengths to scale community reach
  • Identifying the right partners with shared vision and goals
  • Overcoming red tapes internally and externally for programme’s success
  • Managing expectations of partners for long-term collaboration
  • It’s not you, but me: Managing partnerships that no longer serve its purpose


Tamara Weaver

Tamara Weaver

Community Engagement Specialist


 Mohamed Farook

Mohamed Farook

Senior Project Manager and Former Deputy Director, Community Partnership & Head Community Liaison & Digital Development

Land Transport Authority
Megan Fernandes

Megan Fernandes

Head of Community Investment & Partnerships

Prudential Singapore

Asmah Alias

Asmah Alias

General Manager, Malay Heritage Centre & Director of Children's Museum Singapore

National Heritage Board

12:30 – 13:30

Networking lunch

13:30 – 14:05

[Case Study Presentation] Corporate Social Responsibility
Creating social impact with sustainable and meaningful CSR initiatives
  • Identifying a cause that is aligned to business vision and mission
  • Empowering employees to give back to society
  • Finding the right community partners for sustainable collaboration
  • Always improving: Asking the right questions to improve next programme


Eugene Ho

Eugene Ho

Global CSR Director


Assess: Measuring Community Programmes to Drive Maximum Impact

14:05 – 15:05

[Mini Workshop] Programme Evaluation

Measuring outreach programmes for better engagement and bigger scale
  • What is your organisation’s success metrics
  • Assessing engagement impact with tools, frameworks and reliable feedback channels
  • Tracking and analysing data insights for optimal performance 


Yuvan Mohan

Yuvan Mohan

Country Head for Public Policy, Government Relations, ESG & Trust and Safety


15:05 – 15:30

Afternoon networking break

15:30 – 16:30

[Mini Workshop] Stakeholder Management

Communicating effectively with community stakeholders to drive programme’s success
  • Know your stakeholders – target community, vendors/partners
  • Identifying the most effective communication channels for clarity
  • Building strong relationships: How to manage conflicts or resistance
  • Embracing diversity in community engagement ecosystem


Tamara Weaver

Tamara Weaver

Community Engagement Specialist


Closing remarks and end of conference